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Wrap up in unconditional love, pure lensomy.


Best of both worlds! A blanket and a scarf in one. Freshen up your wardrobe by owning this modern, checked, fringed scarf in colourways that will blend with most of our Lensomy range. The Blue Modern Check includes green, blue, pink, red, grey and tan. Woven from super soft, thermo-regulating lambswool, for optimised style and warmth.


Pure wool is an investment and not just a fashionable accessory. To be passed on and never passed by.


All of our chosen TBCo’s scarves are tastefully embroidered with the energy and wording of Lensomy which is an old Sanskrit word meaning 'unconditional love'. Anything made with love and care for all of nature (including you) has this seal of gratitude and appreciation.

Helping those who work alongside Mother Nature live a Lensomy lifestyle.

Lensomy Lambswool Blanket Scarf - Blue Modern Check

  • Fibre | Pure Lambswool
    Touch | Soft & light
    Size | 30" x 79" / 75cm x 200cm, including fringing*
    Wool Source | Inner Mongolia
    Woven In | Inner Mongolia
    Care | Handwash. Lay Flat to Dry.

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